►Nstd | |
Chash< Tins::HWAddress< n > > | |
Chash< Tins::IPv4Address > | |
Chash< Tins::IPv6Address > | |
►NTins | The Tins namespace |
►NCrypto | |
►NWPA2 | |
Cinvalid_handshake | Exception thrown when an invalid WPA2 handshake is found |
CDecrypterProxy | Pluggable decrypter object which can be used to decrypt data on sniffing sessions |
CRC4Key | |
CWEPDecrypter | Decrypts WEP-encrypted traffic |
►NInternals | |
Cbyte_array | |
Cremove_pointer | |
Cremove_pointer< T * > | |
Csmart_ptr | |
►NUtils | Network utils namespace |
CInterfaceCollector | |
Cis_pdu | |
CRadioTapFlags | |
►CRadioTapParser | Allows parsing RadioTap options |
CFieldMetadata | |
CRadioTapWriter | Writes RadioTap options into a buffer |
CRoute6Entry | |
CRouteEntry | |
CAddressRange | Represents a range of addresses |
►CAddressRangeIterator | AddressRange iterator class |
Cend_iterator | |
CARP | Represents an ARP PDU |
Cbad_tins_cast | Exception thrown when a call to tins_cast fails |
►CBootP | Represents a BootP PDU |
Cbootp_header | |
Ccallback_not_set | Exception thrown when a required callback for an object is not set |
CConstPDUIterator | |
CDataLinkType | Maps a libtins link layer PDU to a libpcap data link identifier |
CDHCP | Represents the DHCP PDU |
►CDHCPv6 | Represents a DHCPv6 PDU |
Cauthentication_type | |
Cduid_en | |
Cduid_ll | |
Cduid_llt | |
Cduid_type | |
Cia_address_type | |
Cia_na_type | |
Cia_ta_type | |
Cstatus_code_type | |
Cuser_class_type | |
Cvendor_class_type | |
Cvendor_info_type | |
►CDNS | Represents a DNS PDU |
Cquery | Struct that represent DNS queries |
Cresource | Class that represent DNS resource records |
Csoa_record | Class that represents a Start Of Authority record |
►CDot11 | Class representing an 802.11 frame |
Cdot11_header | |
CDot11Ack | |
CDot11AssocRequest | Class representing an Association Request frame in the IEEE 802.11 Protocol |
CDot11AssocResponse | Class representing an Association Response frame in the IEEE 802.11 Protocol |
CDot11Authentication | IEEE 802.11 Authentication Request frame |
CDot11Beacon | Represents an IEEE 802.11 Beacon |
CDot11BlockAck | Class that represents an 802.11 block ack frame |
CDot11BlockAckRequest | Class that represents an 802.11 Block Ack Request PDU |
CDot11CFEnd | |
CDot11Control | Represents an IEEE 802.11 control frame |
CDot11ControlTA | Class that represents an abstraction of the 802.11 control frames that contain a target address |
►CDot11Data | Represents an IEEE 802.11 data frame |
Cdot11_extended_header | |
Cno_inner_pdu | |
CDot11Deauthentication | IEEE 802.11 Deauthentication frame |
CDot11Disassoc | Class representing a Disassociation frame in the IEEE 802.11 Protocol |
CDot11EndCFAck | |
►CDot11ManagementFrame | Base class for all management frames in the IEEE 802.11 protocol |
Cbss_load_type | |
Ccapability_information | |
Ccf_params_set | |
Cchannel_switch_type | |
Ccountry_params | |
Cdot11_extended_header | |
Cfh_params_set | |
Cfh_pattern_type | |
Cibss_dfs_params | |
Cquiet_type | |
Ctim_type | |
Cvendor_specific_type | |
CDot11ProbeRequest | Class representing an Probe Request frame in the IEEE 802.11 Protocol |
CDot11ProbeResponse | Class representing an Probe Response frame in the IEEE 802.11 Protocol |
CDot11PSPoll | |
CDot11QoSData | |
CDot11ReAssocRequest | Class representing an ReAssociation Request frame in the IEEE 802.11 Protocol |
CDot11ReAssocResponse | IEEE 802.11 ReAssociation Response frame |
CDot11RTS | IEEE 802.11 RTS frame |
CDot1Q | |
CDot3 | Class representing an IEEE 802.3 PDU |
►CEAPOL | Represents the EAP encapsulation over LAN |
Ceapol_header | |
CEAPOLHandshake | Generic EAPOL handshake |
CEthernet | |
CEthernetII | Represents an Ethernet II PDU |
Cexception_base | Base class for all libtins exceptions |
Cfeature_disabled | Exception thrown when a feature has been disabled at compile time |
Cfield_not_present | Exception thrown when a field is not present in frame |
CHWAddress | Represents a hardware address |
CICMP | Class that represents an ICMP PDU |
CICMPExtension | Class that represents an ICMP extension object |
CICMPExtensionsStructure | Class that represents an ICMP extensions structure |
►CICMPv6 | Represents an ICMPv6 PDU |
Caddr_list_type | |
Cdns_search_list_type | |
Chandover_assist_info_type | |
Chandover_key_reply_type | |
Chandover_key_req_type | |
Cip_prefix_type | |
Clladdr_type | The type used to store the link layer address option data |
Cmap_type | |
Cmobile_node_id_type | |
Cmulticast_address_record | |
Cnaack_type | The type used to store the neighbour advertisement acknowledgement option data |
Cnew_advert_interval_type | |
Cprefix_info_type | |
Crecursive_dns_type | |
Croute_info_type | |
Crsa_sign_type | |
Cshortcut_limit_type | |
Ctimestamp_type | |
Cinvalid_address | Exception thrown when an invalid string representation of an address is provided |
Cinvalid_domain_name | Exception thrown when an invalid domain name is parsed |
Cinvalid_interface | Exception thrown when PDU::send requires a valid interface, but an invalid is used |
Cinvalid_ipv6_extension_header | Exception thrown when an IPv6 extension header is being created from invalid data |
Cinvalid_option_value | Exception thrown when a PDU option is set using an incorrect value |
Cinvalid_packet | Exception thrown when an invalid packet is provided to some function |
Cinvalid_pcap_filter | Exception thrown when an invalid pcap filter is compiled |
Cinvalid_socket_type | Exception thrown when an invalid socket type is provided to PacketSender |
►CIP | Class that represents an IP PDU |
Cgeneric_route_option_type | |
Coption_identifier | The type used to represent an option's type |
Csecurity_type | |
CIPSecAH | Represents an IPSec Authentication Header |
CIPSecESP | Represents an IPSec Authentication Header |
CIPv4Address | Abstraction of an IPv4 address |
CIPv4Reassembler | Reassembles fragmented IP packets |
CIPv4ReassemblerProxy | |
►CIPv6 | |
Cdestination_routing_header | |
Cfragment_header | The type used to store Fragment Extension headers |
Chop_by_hop_header | |
Crouting_header | The type used to store Routing Extension headers |
CIPv6Address | |
CLLC | Representing a LLC frame |
CLoopback | Represents a Loopback PDU |
Cmalformed_option | Exception thrown when a malformed option is found |
Cmalformed_packet | Exception thrown when a malformed packet is parsed |
CMPLS | Represents an MPLS PDU |
►CNetworkInterface | Abstraction of a network interface |
CInfo | Struct that holds an interface's addresses |
CIPv6Prefix | |
Coption_not_found | Exception thrown when an option is not found |
Coption_payload_too_large | Exception thrown when a payload is too large to fit into a PDUOption |
►CPacket | |
Cown_pdu | |
CPacketSender | Sends packets through a network interface |
CPacketWrapper | Represents a sniffed packet |
Cpcap_error | Generic pcap error |
Cpcap_open_failed | Exception thrown when opening a pcap handle fails |
►CPDU | Base class for protocol data units |
Cmetadata | Type used to store a PDU header's data |
Cpdu_not_found | Exception thrown when a PDU is not found when using PDU::rfind_pdu |
Cpdu_not_serializable | Exception thrown when serialiation of a non-serializable PDU is attempted |
CPDUCacher | PDU wrapper that caches the result of the wrapped PDU's serialization |
CPDUIterator | |
CPDUIteratorBase | |
CPDUIteratorRange | |
CPDUOption | Represents a PDU option field |
►CPPPoE | Represents a Point-to-point protocol over Ethernet PDU |
Cvendor_spec_type | |
Cprotocol_disabled | Exception thrown when sniffing a protocol that has been disabled at compile time |
►CRadioTap | Class that represents the IEEE 802.11 radio tap header |
Cmcs_type | The type used to represent the MCS flags field |
Cxchannel_type | The type used to represent the XChannel field |
CRawPDU | |
CRC4EAPOL | Class that represents the RC4 EAPOL PDU |
CRSNEAPOL | Class that represents the RSN EAPOL PDU |
CRSNHandshakeCapturer | |
CRSNInformation | Class that models the RSN information structure |
Cserialization_error | Exception thrown when serializing a packet fails |
CSLL | Represents a Linux cooked-mode capture (SLL) PDU |
Csmall_uint | Represents a field of n bits |
CSNAP | Represents a SNAP frame |
Csniff_data | |
Csocket_close_error | Exception thrown when PacketSender fails to close a socket |
Csocket_open_error | Exception thrown when PacketSender fails to open a socket |
Csocket_write_error | Exception thrown when PacketSender fails to write on a socket |
►CSTP | Represents a Spanning Tree Protocol PDU |
Cbpdu_id_type | |
Cstream_not_found | Exception thrown when a stream is not found |
CTCP | Represents a TCP PDU |
CTimestamp | Represents a packet timestamp |
CUDP | Represents an UDP PDU |
Cunknown_link_type | Exception thrown when an unkown link layer PDU type is found while sniffing |
Cunsupported_function | Exception thrown when a function not supported on the current OS is called |
Cvalue_too_large | |
CRepresents |